You're looking for help marketing your book, right?
Then you're in the right place, but I get that you don't want to waste your time and money on a "solution" that doesn't actually work. And you shouldn't. ​
So take your time deciding if we're a good fit. Read some of my articles, subscribe to my email list to get awesome tips, and follow along on my own marketing journey so you can see what works and what doesn't.
Yes, I'm practicing what I preach and doing it in public, so you can see a book launch in motion. Wanna follow along? Check that out here.
And you don't have to take my word for it either, check out what a couple of my clients had to say below.
Where should you start?
Start by Signing up below to get the 3 killer secrets every author needs to grow an audience.
Once you've signed up...
Check out these Must Know Author Tips
The Four Elements of a Successful Author
How Partnerships Can Explode Your Platform Growth
The Broke Author's Guide to Design and Marketing
Book Launch Show by Tim Grahl
The Story Grid Podcast by Shawn Coyne and Tim Grahl
So Many Damn Books by Christopher Hermelin and David Broussard
Resource Guide
People to Follow
Tim Grahl - Book Marketer
Jeff Goins - Book Marketer
Joanna Penn - Book Marketer
Seth Godin - Online Marketer
Shawn Coyne - Editor
Steven Pressfield - Writer/Book Marketer
Marissa Frosch - Writer/Book Marketer
Your First 1,000 Copies by Tim Grahl
Discoverability by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Tribes by Seth Godin
No One Wants to Read Your Sh*t by Steven Pressfield
The Story Grid by Shawn Coyne
Gotta Read It by Libbie Hawkins
Show Your Work by Austin Kleon